Monday, November 29, 2010

Prosecute The Wiki Spy

 The furor is overblown but contains a kernel of truth.  The founder of Wikileaks is a spy and has given aid and comfort to the enemies of America. By publishing the sometimes embarrassing confidential government information as well as sensitive diplomatic cables and private comments, Mr. Julian Assange (founder of Wikileaks) has boldly proclaimed that he is a spy and cares not about the potentially deadly consequences of his acts. For this he should be tried and punished.

Though I am reluctant to give Mr. Assange credit for anything, he has called America's attention to a dangerous flaw in our government's communications systems. 

Exactly "how" did Wikileaks obtain this sensitive information? 

And how might we plug the leak?

The released documents make a number of claims that will cause Americans discomfort - and to demand answers from our own government on sensitive issues intended to be negociated in private. For example:

*    Saudi donors are main bankers for Al Qaida. 
*    The Chinese  regularly sabotage our  government
      and military computers.
*    Iran has nuclear capable guided missiles that can
      reach all of Europe and the British Isles.
*    American diplomats have been ordered to spy
      on allies and enemies.
*    U. S. military commanders have contempt
      for U.K. military operations in Afghanistan.
*    References describing Hamid Karzai of
      Afghanistan as driven by paranoia.
*    The details of secret U.S.-Russian nuclear
      weapons negotiations in Switzerland.
*    Daily excerpts from U.S. embassy cables designated "SECRET". 
*    U.S. officials have been told to spy on United Nations leaders.
*    And so forth.

This kind of information was not AND IS NOT intended for pubic distribution. If it was obtained illegally, punishment should be imposed. If it was obtained legally, SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WITH OUR SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS.

It should never happen again.


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