Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dufuss Has An Epiphany

I've gone over the hill and if I had any sense I wouldn't worry much about the future.  After all, I'll be long gone before it gets here. Nevertheless,  our nations  current problems are  ripping the fabric of  America  and have gained my complete attention. I just can't help wondering what will the future be for my grandchildren and beyond?

Nearly all our nations problems can be traced to either politics or wealth.  Oh, I know that's not strictly true - but politics and wealth can be said to be at two of the most significant problems of every nation. In our case Americans are standing by as our political system is poisoned - and a reactive over correction threatens the land in another way.

The entire mess is  because of the growing gap between rich and poor.  We (you and I) are standing by watching the advancing tsunami without doing anything,  and  someday, when history looks back,  it will be said that America deserved to fail.  They will ask why did this happen?  It happened because Democrats and Republicans have abandoned the  principles of representative government.  In place of principles they have chosen to sell their vote for the sole purpose of getting re-elected.

This was not the debate and compromise our Founding Fathers had in mind.  Americans best interest has been replaced by greed. 

Liberals look down their collective noses at Conservatives - yet the  majority of Americans favor Conservative principles.  Moderate politicians of either party  understand that our government was designed  with a part liberal and part conservative.

The Founding Fathers also took great care to divide the government's power between three branches.  They intended that the Federal Branch should control things  that logically could be best controlled by that branch.

They assigned to the State Governments those things that would be best controlled by  more local administration.

And they assigned the interpretation of laws to the Judicial Branch.

These three branches were designed so that any two would have oversight of the other. 
****more to come

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