Monday, April 18, 2011

New Campaign Rules

For over two hundred years American political campaigns have included increasingly vicious personal attacks. The campaigns of 2012 promise more of the same. Carrying on this tradition is STUPID - yet both major political parties do it.  Why can't they just sit together and determine rules that eliminate attempts to destroy a candidates character and criticism of a candidates family? It sounds so simple -yet as far as I know such rules have not seriously been addressed. Why not?

One significant reason citizens are reluctant to enter politics is the certainty that they and their family will also be subjected to intense personal attacks. Many potential candidates are unwilling to to do this. So
discussions, debates, and tough questions remain unanswered while personalities are being assassinated. Come on people, this is WRONG.

Election after election is decided by side issues of no importance - rather than knowledge and opinions that focus on IMPORTANT issues. This is not a good way to run a railroad or anything else.

Sadly, the 2012 election will (probably) be won by the Democrats. They have all their ducks in a row: the black votes, hispanic votes, union votes, liberal votes, welfare votes, and those of college and university educators.  When ALL of these are combined with overwhelming media bias - the Democrats just can't be beat. But the circumstances offer the Republican party a unique opportunity.

The Republicans can field a far superior slate of traditional "Constitution based", traditional, and honest politicians in 2012. Look at them. They ALL would be an improvement over the current administration.

They will all be accused of favoring the rich, denying the elderly, taking Obamacare away from them, insisting on asking for more individual responsibilty, and wanting to reduce the overall scope of America's welfare. The Democrats will run these things into the ground. Americas liberal citizens, welfare recipients, illegal immigrants, and most others that benefit from receipt of our tax dollars, are all expected to vote the Democratic ticket.

*   But they don't HAVE to resort to destroying Republican personal lives and characters to win.

*   And the Republicans CAN'T win by attempting to destroy Democratic personal lives or characters.

Republicans therefore have an opportunity to devise a set of campaign rules as part of their platform and have every Republican candidate sign it. Then this party platform item can be submitted to Democratic candidates for their agreement and signing.

I can't imagine ANY citizen not supporting this effort.

Is it worth a shot?


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