Michael Calderone writes for the Huffington Post - which was a disaster even without him. Michael has now done a hatchet job on Roger Ailes and Sarah Palin. He tries (unsuccessfully) to credit his misinformation to Gabriel Sherman's "New York Magazine". Nice try Michael. We all know that Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch put Fox News on the map. Fox has become the one media outlet that listens to conservatives, and most of the time tries to deliver news without a political bias. It doesn't always succeed, but it usually does. To me it seems that Fox is at least tinged with some level of conservative bias. It does, however, try to offset the current liberal insanity in the media.
According to New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman, Roger Ailes "...thinks things are going in a bad direction". Another Republican close to Ailes told a reporter: "Roger is worried about the future of the country. He thinks the election of Obama is a disaster, and he thinks Palin is an idiot". Ailes apparently thinks she is stupid. Ailes has said that "people like Sarah Palin haven't elevated the conservative movement." Warning. All of these quotes are suspect. They may never have even been said.
Reporter Calderone adds: "Palin, a former Alaska Governor and current Fox News contributor, hasn't always listened to Ailes sage advice." Calderone says that: "Ailes told Sarah Palin to lie low after the Tucson shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz), but she went ahead with the infamous "blood libel" video. I've no idea what "blood libel" video he's talking about, but okay. Why shouldn't Sarah Palin speak her mind? Who does Roger Ailes think he is anyway? What makes him think he can dictate what to say to Sarah Palin or any other candidate. He's NOT running - nor is he some kind of Pendergast King maker.
I used to be an Ailes fan. I thought Roger and Fox News was about the only tv media outlet presenting conservative content. If Calderone's allegations of power abuse are true, it looks like Roger may have a huge ego problem. Perhaps he and George Soros should get locked in a box with two small swords.
So much for him throwing Sarah Palin under the bus.
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