Monday, June 13, 2011

Sarah Palin Now Has My Attention

Since the time that Sarah Palin was the Vice Presidential candidate she has been  viciously attacked. In my opinion the vitriol is way out of proportion to her impact on the political scene.  Admittedly, until recently  I'd not paid much attention to her. I had formed an impression she was just another "pretty-face-air-head conservative" without a long and varied political education. You know, no gravitas!  

Then I began to realize she was speaking for people like me - and speaking pretty well. She was zeroing in on the "common sense" that motivates most Americans. I was still put off by her unimpressive voice but not on what she says.  My original concern softened and became a question: Was she overly ambitious and perhaps too big for her britches? Absolutely not!

The weeks went by quickly. She has convinced me that she is the "real thing".  The Democrats and other liberals are sputtering in their beer as Sarah Palin continues to be the bright light of the American political scene. She caught the attention of the national spotlight - and insisted that the Republicans listen to their Conservative wing. She has done this despite the lack of Republican Establishment support, and the disgusting media bias, and the even more disgusting attacks on her person and family.  

Conservatives have been ignored for years. When sad political circumstances let a radical left liberal win the most recent Presidential election (barely), Americans quickly found out how dangerous radicals can be. They have, during just a few months in power, damaged America badly. The vast majority of Americans agree.  Conservatives, jumping at the opportunity to return America to reasonable governance, created THE TEA PARTY.  Sarah Palin was quick to speak loud and clear in their favor. The entrenched political establishment went absolutely crazy. Sarah Palin had the crowd. The establishment in Washington reacted by starting one of the most vicious personal and political attacks ever seen in America. In my book the attacks have backfired and helped Sarah Palin accomplish her mission to wake America to the ultimate deadly threat of the radical liberal left.  



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