Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Does Israel Have A Future

In 1948 the victorious Allies drew borders for Israel - and there has been trouble ever since. Israel was, from the  first day it opened for business, a gift from a guilty world and a huge gamble. We were still reeling from the horror of the war and clearing the rubble. The totality of the holocaust had been discovered and found to be caused by the most horrific anti-Semitism in recent centuries.  Nazi Germany declared the war and had been defeated. They had also promoted the holocaust atrocity and, to their lasting shame, the civilized world had ignored their intent. 

The German leaders made no secret of what they considered "the Jewish problem." The Allies knew about their anti-Semitism, but not the extent. What they did hear was unbelievable. After the war was over, as the true extent of the horror unfolded, the rest of the world discovered the extent of the Nazi  inhumanity.   Over six million human beings had been exterminated - and many people noticed and did nothing.  It happened and everyone in the world was,  to some degree,  responsible.  Everyone!

There was a tremendous outpouring of "guilt" that  ultimately became the cause of the partitioning of the middle east. The new state of Israel  was launched into a vicious environment. It's reception by Palestinians and other desert Arabs was horrendous.  Yes, we know all that.  We know that Israel has been under constant attack since 1948, and has  survived.  The survival has been possible because of :

(1) The ambition of Israel's people and  
(2) The large dollar investment made by America.

Despite Israel's successful  past,  it's future is dark. There doesn't seem to be any rational way to end the Palestinian and desert Arab attacks.  This enemy is intent on destroying the tiny state of Israel and will remain so UNLESS  help arrives. The only factor with enough concentrated power to help -  is America.
Probably not!  America and Israel have the power to eliminate the  enemy - but can not and will not do so.  The  entire world would condemn such action. The days of gross attacks on civilian populations are over. Civilization has finally arrived at the point where the value of human beings is the first priority. Today, when nations (or any person) decides that WAR is the ONLY solution, civilization steps in with demands for POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. This "mis-named" corrective factor  applies largely because of the tremendous improvement of communications media throughout the world.
  • Carpet bombing is no longer tolerated. 
  • Nuclear weapons are no longer tolerated.
  • Spreading deadly poisons over civilians is no longer acceptable.
  • Massive distribution of chemical gasses is forbidden. 
Note that with these few words I have stripped America and Israel of most of their power and military might - and raised the new fundamental question: "How can disputes be settled in the modern and more humane world?

I want to think on that for a while.


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