My friend Clint wasted a paragraph or two on Facebook telling all who would listen how wonderful President Obama is. He extolled Obama as the best President since FDR.
The management of our nation's government has been a disaster since Obama's first election. His appointment of crooks, criminals, liars, known Communists, and racist fruitcakes guarantees failure. The ultra left socialist-communist democratic agenda he has specifically designed to ruin our nation. How can any knowledgeable American view Obama's miserable public record without throwing up? The guy should never-ever have been elected.
The management of our nation's government has been a disaster since Obama's first election. His appointment of crooks, criminals, liars, known Communists, and racist fruitcakes guarantees failure. The ultra left socialist-communist democratic agenda he has specifically designed to ruin our nation. How can any knowledgeable American view Obama's miserable public record without throwing up? The guy should never-ever have been elected.
Granted, I see economics and politics through a libertarian-conservative right wing lens, and believe the least possible government that will do the job - yields the most liberty. At the same time I agree that many issues and concerns are served best by national government control. This is clearly spelled out in the Constitution and other founding documents. There is no need to invent the wheel here.
Before Harry Truman took over, a major economic depression and World War II combined to create a very special national situation. It mostly fell onto FDR's watch and he dealt with it. The nation survived and he played a significant part in the victory. But many of the governing methods and other things done with good intentions at the time, eventually turned out to be not so good after all.
Most historians now realize that FDR was not a perfect president. He micro-managed America's military and we did win the war. At the same time he forced a huge change in our government. He put in place various individuals, committees, departments, and liberal schemes that caused the government to exponentially grow in size, the executive to grow in power, and to distort the economy by outlandish spending of money we did not have, thereby rapidly increasing the nation's debt. FDR also over-expanded our public welfare system and caused there to be a greater difference between the rich and the poor. It was FDR that promoted the unions, protected the extremely wealthy, and profited from catering to machine politics in our major population centers.
Mr. Obama is the worst Presidential influence in over 65 years.
Before Harry Truman took over, a major economic depression and World War II combined to create a very special national situation. It mostly fell onto FDR's watch and he dealt with it. The nation survived and he played a significant part in the victory. But many of the governing methods and other things done with good intentions at the time, eventually turned out to be not so good after all.
Most historians now realize that FDR was not a perfect president. He micro-managed America's military and we did win the war. At the same time he forced a huge change in our government. He put in place various individuals, committees, departments, and liberal schemes that caused the government to exponentially grow in size, the executive to grow in power, and to distort the economy by outlandish spending of money we did not have, thereby rapidly increasing the nation's debt. FDR also over-expanded our public welfare system and caused there to be a greater difference between the rich and the poor. It was FDR that promoted the unions, protected the extremely wealthy, and profited from catering to machine politics in our major population centers.
FDR was the main factor in the reduction of liberty, increasing the middle class tax burden, and promoting the liberal socialist overhaul of the American government. After the war there was a confusing time period. The war had industrialized the nation. Employment was up. The money supply came back from the depression, the future looked very good, credit eased, homes were built, banks and financial markets got rich, and then the Korean "police action" temporarily put the brakes on.
After Korea was fought to a draw, America continued as if there had been no interruption. Soon, Viet Nam became a growing concern. Korea had been a cold and muddy war. Viet Nam was a hot and humid guerrilla war in tropical jungles. It was a mistake from day one, but there was no exit strategy. We didn't know how to quit. The stigma of not "winning" in Korea was an embarassment to out political-military effort.
Then, more recently, Mr. Obama was elected to the center stage.
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