Sunday, June 12, 2016

Followers of Radical Islam Are Inhuman Monsters

My understanding of history since about 1940 is fairly good. My opinion of it is . . .  not so much. I can recall Lawrence  of Arabia and the Mufti and the Muslim Brotherhood, perhaps from newsreels or newspapers but I've no idea if there are real facts in those memories. I was only five years old in 1940 and I do recall that there was no Israel.  Where it lies now was considered the Palestine Territory. As far as I know it was ungoverned land sparsely inhabited mostly by Semitic people or nomadic tribes. In the city of Jerusalem there were both Arabs and Jews living in harmony.

The Arabian part of the world in 1940 had few borders. Most Arabian territories that did exist were marked by geophysical elements like rivers, mountains, forests and etc.  The wandering Arabs tribes at that time believed in one of several "religions". I believe Islam had the most members, and the others worshiped animals, the heavens, and various idols. A very few were Christian. So, Arab tenanted land within the Palestinian Territory (including that of Jerusalem), had only verbal histories of property ownership. There was no government at that time capable of administering documented property titles. 

The territorial lands were not closely defined either. The area that is today Israel was then a very small part of the Palestine Territory. There were only a few Arab inhabitants.

During World War II there was almost no participation from any part of the Arab world.  What participation there was assisted the enemies of the Allied Forces. In other words, all of the Arab territories, except Egypt perhaps, were at war with the Allied Nations. and they lost the war!  In all previous ages the loser paid the winner, not vice versa.

The inhabitants of the Palestinian Territory, after being on the losing side of the war, had no claim on their land other than that granted by the Allied Nations. 

The entire world (except Muslim extremists) knew of the holocaust but few actually knew the details. It soon became known. The horrible and systematic extermination of Jews, impaired individuals, midgets and other helpless human beings . . . is unbelievably gruesome history.  No one knows how many were murdered but the usual accepted number is "more than 6,000,000".

Arabian people, including those of the Islamic faith, were not directly responsible, but they were on the enemy side during the war. . . .  and they lost the war.  

Sadly, no wanted to give any Jews or survivors of the holocaust a homeland. Certainly there was some racial reluctance but the general reason (excuse) given was that to welcome the Jews and give them land for a homeland would upset their own nation's demographics.

The Allies determined that location within the relatively desolate Arabian territories offered a solution. The new Jewish homeland would be better served and better administered. The intention included a promise to establish the most influential people in the immigrant community as the governing responsibility for the new nation.  

Thus the Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon. etc. became nations with imposed boundaries. Israel was specificlly carved out of the Palestine Territory and carefully limited to a small area where Jews and Christians and Muslims had ancient historical roots. The Israelis promised any  current resident in the new nation the same freedoms that their own citizens would enjoy. They would receive title and be able to keep their land, businesses, and other property,.  The Israelis tried to be generous to the any of the existing residents. They what'd them to stay and become a valued part of Israel.

The Muslim communities refused. 

Instead, they immediately declared war upon Israel. They promised to drive the new nation it into the sea, and to murder anyone therein if they refused to embrace Islam. The rest of the world was shocked and thought this must spring from some deranged Muslim minority. They soon found it did.  It was from an anti-human, mentally defective and deranged, segment of Islam that was a large minority of radical extremist Islamic believers. 

These extremists had almost enough brute power to subdue other Muslims around the world. They did so by using terrorist tactics and imparting their murderous belief on their  young. These radical Muslims distorted their Holy Book and proclaimed that they would conquer the entire world . . . .  and establish Sharia Law on every continent. 

They also promise: to murder every person on earth who refuses or even resists accepting Islamic faith.  


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