Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dangerous Liberal Women

You can read about the differences between men and women in the bible, but lets bring the "differences" forward to the world today. Bill Cosby, a long admired entertainment personality, enjoyed a long career and becme a very wealthy man. Like it or not, a successful individual, male or female, has become a target in today's world. Cosby was one such target.

In this case, Mr. Cosby was also a sex predator, woman abuser and worse. Fifty or more women have come out of the woodwork to accuse him. Most of them have made claims that relate to relate to events that happened over 20 years ago. It is not right. These claims should not qualify for any kind of social or criminal complaint. There needs to be an applicable "statue of limitations".      20 years should be an absolute limit to this kind of personal complaint. If the victim has not come forward after 20 years since the event, the accusation should have no merit whatever in our legal system. None!

If it takes an accuser more than 20 years to determine they were wronged, they do not have any credibility at all. Case dismissed.

Men and women have always had different social roles. Comicbook cavemen dragged their women around by their hair because they were physically stronger, and women stayed by the hearth to serve the man and to bear children. This was the norm (modified here and there) for centuries. Essentially, men have always tended to be dominant, and women to be submissive. In several parts of the world this is still the accepted situation. 

Recently however,  women have pushed convention and insisted they are much more "equal" than before. Modern, cultured and educated society is gradually accepting this relatively new movement, but "gradually" is not fast enough for most women. They want total equality now! 

In our times, say from the 18th century or so, there were great strides made by religions and social scientists that encouraged equality between men and women. Modern societies have generally agreed - but realistically pointed out despite this, today religions, social scientists and philosophers all point out there are obvious differences between genders.

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