Monday, November 12, 2018

Global Warming - Fact, Fiction or So what?

California is experiencing a nasty year of huge fires. There are over 100,000 acres on fire today. President Trump says we'd have fewer big fires if the federal and state government agencies did a better job of forest and land management. He's right as usual but complains without solid facts. He's a fairly good president (despite a rabid Democratic opposition) but Mr. Trump makes way too many "off-the-cuff" remarks. He infuriates people with abreviated Twitter remarks that are easily mis-inerpreted. People are are losing their lives, their homes, family histories  People I know think we need to put the fires out and help the victims before speculating about the cause.
Adding more fuel to the flames,  the "ultra liberal left progressives" are shouting that the fires are more frequent and larger because of GLOBAL WARMING. It could be true to some extent, but isn't that a bit of a stretch.

The globe isn't round. As it spins through the universe it wobbles a bit and tilts slightly. These  characteristics, apparently change the distance of any point on the earth to the sun. The sun gives the earth almost all of it's heat. My question is whether or not these aberrations were the cause of the ice age, and other weather phenomenon in the past. Are we simply experiencing more of the same?

We measure the heat and time of measurement at thousands of locations around the world. The information gathered immediately appears to support the idea of "Global Warming". But does it really? There is no question that there is a warming trend in parts of the world. At the same time other parts of the world are cooling. Overall, is it warming more than it's cooling?

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