The American government is saturated with liberal extremists. These people simply ignore the lessons of history. They deny that socialism has failed whenever and wherever it gained prominence. Despite the evidence, they deny that communism was (and is) a disaster. The ultimate ambition of society should be the improvement of the human condition. The current political administration taken us in another direction. The decisions of the Obama Administration are designed to reduce individual liberty and increase government size and control. Their leaders tell us that Improvement of the human condition is still the object - but clearly it is not. The administration's object is to eliminate the gap between rich and poor by creating a government with overwhelming power and complete control. The (unwelcome) side effects include;
- The loss of individual liberty.
- The loss of citizen participation in government.
- The loss of the free market.
- The loss of individual initiative.
- The loss of reward for work.
- The loss of individual ambition.
- And the counter-productive growth of the socialistic dead end welfare state.
Van Jones Former White House Advisor Admitted Communist
Timothy Geitner Secretary of the Treasury Left Wing Economist
Ben Rhodes National Security Advisor Liberal
David Rhodes President of CBS News Brother of Ben Rhodes
Sharyl Atkinsson CBS News Reporter Liberal Biased news
Ben Sherwood CEO of ABC News Liberal Biased news
Elizabeth Sherwood White House Special Assistant Sister of Ben Sherwood
Virginia Moseley CNN Deputy Bureau Chief Married to H. Clinton aide
Tom Nides Former Fannie Mae executive Former H. Clinton aide
Jay Carney Administration Press Secretary Obama Admin. Spokesman
Claire Simpson ABC Sr National Correspondent Husband is Jay Carney
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