Friday, May 17, 2013

Religion Over State

We've a problem. Religious influence, mostly Christian in America, is fading fast and liberalism is trying to fill the void. The Liberal Left believes, despite contrary evidence, that society would be best served if Christians have less influence. Secular citizens view Christian churches as anti-science, reactionary, anti-homosexuality, and anti-women. So the secular Liberal Left views these and other concepts anti-progress, yet they view themselves as progressive. Odd, don't you think? Their stance creates a few simple questions. The progressives demand that our government must have broad powers to address discrimination, disabilities, and other injustices, and claim that religious institutions have too much freedom. They ask: Why should the theological doctrines of the Christian religion trump the law of the United States? Hmm. Good question. The Liberal Left (Progressives) are  pushing to legislate gay marriage by adding it to the list of civil rights. The Christian churches are resisting. The Catholic Church for example, teaches that free contraceptives, sterilization, and abortion inducing drugs should not be made available by Federal or State governments. 

  • The issue raises the question: Who qualifies as a religious employer? Or employee.
  • Can the government force Catholic hospitals to dispense these things? 
  • How about a Lutheran Orphanage?
  • Or a Presbyterian Home For The Elderly?

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