Sunday, June 9, 2013


What does FAIRNESS actually mean?  Political progressives are trying to make a  subtle change by suggesting that FAIRNESS is synonymous with EQUAL.  It sounds reasonable and harmless at first but  on thinking it over we find it's not. FAIRNESS is being used by our government to describe their on-going effort to rob the rich and give to the poor.  The newly energized liberal left (better known as the Obama administration) is trying to convince us that our tax supported federal government must increase the taxes on those who work and contribute - in order to  give that tax money to those who do not or can not work. This describes SOCIALISM. These misguided people are promoting a political and economic system that has failed to govern FAIRLY. They think everyone, deserving or not, should be treated  EQUALLY.

In America and worldwide the growing gap between rich and poor is fundamentally wrong.  Economists and other experts need to address the problem, but to insist that everyone must have equal access to necessities like food, shelter, and medical care is not the answer.  The many failed Socialist-Communist governments have proved it. Our FREE MARKET SYSTEM provides incentives produce and contribute. What our civilization really needs is to improve our welfare systems. A civil society should provide the necessities of life to those who can not do so themselves.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, famously said "Life is not fair. Get over it."

One of the worst characteristics of mankind is the desire to GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. This is wrong, it happens, it gives rise to all sorts of mischief and we all need to resist. 

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