Thursday, June 9, 2016

What A Mess

America in 2016 is a country with messy politics. We've been busy for years giving away our heritage and become a nation run by politicians that see themselves as  distinguished - but in reality most are despicable crooks. Their failure to address the important problems is a disgrace. By wasting our time on gutter politics, personality differences, and social issues of no merit, our political leadership has become incompetent, a political machine that mainly promotes the rich and infuriates the poor. 

2016 is an another election year, an opportunity to approve or disapprove the existing administration and elect a new one if necessary. The coming election has become a disgraceful display of stupidity. Neither political party has an agenda for the future. We've copied the worst of the third world rabble and given a stage to stupid, illiterate, anti-patriotic protesters. Watching as they burn our flag, roll over cars, break  the windows of small shops, spit on the police, and otherwise display violence and lack of respect - is disgusting.

Our vaunted jurisprudence community distorts the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. They turn a blind eye to abuse in the name of "freedom of speech".  The viciousness reminds me of my aversion to Mapplethorp's art (?) depicting a penis with a flower on top, standing upright in a bowl of urine. I understand that Mapplethorp is a fine artist that believes art should "push the limits of public acceptability". Sometimes I think he pushes too far.  He is often degrading humanity, religions, and the moral traditions of society. 

The point? American elections need to limit and control the viciousness and personal attacks that are now the substance of elections. Let's return to campaign civility. 


One last comment
On another political matter. This year our two dominant political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans,  have each put forward two completely unworthy and unsatisfactory candidates:

Hillary Clinton 
  • Ultra Left Wing and Socialist Leaning  Democrat
  • Facing criminal prosecution and likely to be convicted
  • A well known slippery liar when dealing with personal of government affairs
  • Has a proven history of terribly wrong decisions
  • Can be expected to carry forward Obama's disastrous programs.

Donald Trump 
  • Republican (sometimes)
  • No prior government experience at all.
  • No record of government or political history.
  • Appears to have no regard for tradition. 
  • No experience with foreign diplomacy.
  • A rude and uncontrolled persona. 

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