Friday, July 8, 2016

Negro Justice

For many years the word "negro" described a dark skinned people. Most American negroes had roots in Africa but the majority of negroes stayed in Africa. A relative few came to America, and most of them were sold into slavery. As time went by slavery was ended and the level of abuse and  discrimination in America has lessened. All things considered, there have been great strides forward since the mid 1800's for negroes and other ethnic minorities. 

Sadly, the effort to reach 'equality for all' has been slowed and resisted by many. There are angry and defiant negroes and other minorities that demand faster acceptance. 

After WWII negroes surged ahead in society and began referring to themselves as "Black-Americans".  The title was sometime later, perhaps after the Korean conflict, changed to "African-Americans". The intent was to signify progress toward equality but it has caused an even wider gap between "whites and blacks". 

* * * * 

There are fewer African-Americans than most other ethnic identities in America.  

  • Why then do African-Americans commit more crimes than all of the other ethnicities combined?     It's a fact.
  • African-Americans consider racial profiling to be illogical and unreasonable discrimination?        Actually, it is neither.
  • Why do African-Americans learn less when attending the same schools as all other ethnicities?       They are just as intelligent but without social and cultural support. 
  • Why are there proportionally more unemployed African-Americans? Because they are not as well educated.
  • Why do African-Americans require more welfare? Because America has fewer jobs for unqualified people, which has made it necessary to move toward becoming a welfare state so to prevent misery and abject poverty, which have all combined to reduce individual ambition and the pride of self reliance.
Certainly discrimination makes it more difficult for African-Americans to move forward, but what will it take to significantly improve their culture? 

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