Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Today's Rant

Nothing to do. Gloomy day. Rain, mist, fog and . . . . presidential impeachment! Nothing else on the news but that . . . . and the normal car and motorcycle accidents, school shootings, and terrorist attacks .  . . . . .  all  followed by Trump's latest Twitter. Just another dismall day in the newsroom that isn't.

Radical left wing social adjusters like Nancy Pelosi have gone way over the hill bonkers. How did she ever get to be in charge? The Democrats will not survive her leadership. She's allowed the small but very extreme anti-American faction of the nation to dominate the Democrat Party. She has allowed President Trump to become an object of vicious hate. To her and her miserable following of radical members of the swamp, President Trump is evil incarnate. If this vitriolic hate atmosphere wasn't to sad . . . . . I'd laugh.

President Trump is not a laid back person unwilling to joust with everyone. He's exactly the opposite. Consider his background. After his birth and a tumultous wild trek to his young manhood,  not surprisingly, Trump turned into a street smart, spoiled, wealthy young rich kid.  He had a terrible reputation with employees, associates, women in general, and everybody else. By most accounts he was a brash and nasty guy. He had learned a few basics from his Dad and then who gave him a million or so to get started. He quickly became a wealthy upstart with a bold attitude toward everyone else.

Come on guys, we knew most of this when he decided to be President. All of a sudden the public began to see another side to this New York hooligan. He threw off his cocoon and became a smart, thoughtful, and principled politician that the general public didn't even know existed. He had, or more properly, HAS a monumental ego, but it is usually displayed with his tongue in cheek. He thinks quick and speaks quick loves to poke fun.

The establishment ignored him as he went about the country raising the awareness of our long down trodden citizens. A movement began. Support for his founding fathers Consitiution rang a clear bell. Here was a guy that might just speak for the traditional American vision. Horatio Alger incarnate. Someone who actually resisted the eletist left wingers, the socialist promoters, and the communist deadbeats.

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