Sunday, March 22, 2020


There are times when a person should step back and consider something in perspective, compare whatever subject is of concern with another. This is one of those times. A pandemic of a new virus has threatened healh worldwide. To date there have been several thousand deaths attributed to it and the number is climbing worldwide. People are frightened that this invisible potential killer could easily affect them or those close to them. Family members particularly.

There is every reason to be concerned, but should we also consider other threats in the same breath? For example heart disease in the United States kills over 500,000 each year, cancer also kills over 500,000 each year. There are over 50,000 motor vehicle deaths each year, and over 30,000 deaths by firearms.

It is now being extrpolated that as many as 500,000 pople may die of this new Coronavirus strain. This may be true but hopefully a vacine or other cure will be found before that number is reached.

Meanwhile, as all of this proceeds to a close, our news media informs us of each motor vehicle death that occurs in our commnities, and there is little information about  reducing these numbers.  The adage "Speed Kills" comes to mind. We've improved bumpers, chassis, warning systems, tire traction and made other efforts to reduce accidental motor vehicle deaths. After World War II a few countries in Europe needed to address several issues: They had to raise taxes, but most people were broke. They had very limited supplies of gasoline. Their industries were diminished and their was fewer supplies to manufacture things like motor vehicles.

These were the circumstances that resulted in:

  • increasing taxes on engine dispacement 
  • increasing taxes on the weight of motor vehicles 
  • raising taxes on the price of gasoline
The result was smaller motor vehicles with less powerful engines, and a total of less onnage on the already broken road systems.

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